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Antibiotics sensation of E coli from www. ICDCM coding for identifying inci- urinary tract infection in lablatory cen- Antibiotics prophylaxis before surger- infection coded as a chronic disease? In- 3. Shokuhi SHervin, Aminzadeh Zohreh, ies. Journal of Iranian Surgeons. Pat- 19 3 , Savari Mohammad, Abdolahi Hamid, Za- Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute. Performance standards for antimi- fection. Helicobacter Pylori resistanc to antibi- standard-9th Ed.
CLSI document M2- 4. Molaabbaszadeh Ha med, Mobin otics in Kerman in Journal of Ker- A9. Study of sistance: synthesis of recommendation briz. Journal of Biomicrob technology of antibiotic resistance pattern of staphy- by expert policy group.
WHO publica- Azad University, , 3 9 : Journal of Jentashapier. Avail- scriptin in Kermanshah GP. Journal of International statistical classiication of able at: www.
WHO publication, Ge- International statistical classification Derkhshan Solmaz, Biranvand Sohaila, neva. Avaliable at: www. Determining of resistanc Efect of silver nanoparti- Avaliable at: www. International Statistical Classiication , 3 8 : Journal of laboratoty science, of diseases and related health problem 7.
Rahbare Taromsari Morteza, Khosh , 5 2 : Amooz Halimeh, Hosseini Simin, Badsar Aim: to assess theepidemiological and clinical char- lenceof celiac diseasein the adult popu- acteristicsof CDin the adult populationin Tuzla Canton in northeast of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results: during the 3-year period we registered 42 cases tsinBiH. Prevalence among men was 4. Conclusions: he incidence of CD in our region is demonstrating a steep rise and apparently low prevalence in our region is merely a result of poor availability of diagnostics in previous years.
Key words: celiac 2. We tine and caused by inadequate immune 1. We excluded all patients that cally predisposed people. Celiac disease patients with celiac disease 3.
It is be- did not reside in Tuzla Canton. We also re- lence of 1 per of residents based on a reliable report that this ratio may be corded age, gender, date of initial di- serological screening 1. We ease can clinically manifest at any age- manypatients haveatypicalsymptoms excluded patients with incomplete re- with high incidence registered even in orno symptoms at all.
According to cords. Med Arh. Now- of diagnosis was used to adays, estimated prevalence in gen- Table 1. Clinical characteristics of celiac disease in patients date incidence. Approximately 3 million people in the appropriate December 31 , in women. Ninety ive per cent incidence during the time period temperate climates.
Although the actual occurrence of dence rates were estimated assuming a The sum prevalence during the celiac disease has been underestimated Poisson distribution of cases.
Crudean- study period calculated for population for years, the prevalence of the disease nual incidence rates were calculated numbers on Prevalence among men was vances in diagnostic methods and im- nosed and the number of inhabitants 4.
Un- lated based on number of study years. As demonstrated in- fortunately, as with many other con- Age standardized incidence rates were cidence rates are demonstrating steady ditions, the data about epidemiology calculated using European standard increase. Prevalence es- cording to gender and age is presented for both pediatric and adult popula- timate during observed period was es- in Figure 2. Figure Figure 1.
Annual incidenceofofceliac Annual incidence celiac disease disease in Tuzla in Tuzla region region of and Herzegovina. And of celiac disease during the observed this is the case for a coun- period was 2.
Diarrhoea as a large multicenter study. Doll R, Cook P. Summarizing indices for comparison of cancer incidence data.
Int nostics in our region. We estimate that ported diarrhea as the irst symptom J Cancer. Non- 7. Aliment Pharmacol her. As with many other autoimmune was recorded in lesst han one-third of 8. According described pattern of clinical representa- tions: a systematic review. Gastroenter- toour study, there is also a comparable tion with most of them presenting with ology.
Clin Immunol Im- and immunoregulation is subject to here are several limitations of our munopathol. Interestingly, patients is a hospital-based series and there is a disease in a population-based Swed- over 60 who are diagnosed with celiac possible limitation of referral bias. Also, ish cohort. Celiac disease can be diagnosed at gle hospital. Yet, our hospital is the only One must bear in mind that our disease so almost all patients eventually Nevertheless, we Characteristics of adult celiac dis- and we detected peak incidence in age allow for possibility that small number ease in the USA: results of a national sur- group 36 to 45 years.
However it is im- of patients remains undetected. Am J Gastroenterol. Symptoms and signs in individuals with serology positive for celiac disease sis of celiac disease in advanced age is top of the iceberg when dealing with but normal mucosa. BMC Gastroenterol. Celiac of the disease. Nevertheless there are apparently low prevalence in our re- disease diagnosed in the elderly. J Clin Gastroenterol. Vilppula A, Kaukinen K, Luostarinen L, ies in favor of diagnostic delay and other ity of diagnostic in previous years.
Ce- et al. Increasing prevalence and high in- in favor of late development 13, 14, BMC Gas- symptoms of diarrhea, steatorrhoea should be taken into account in each troenterol. Dig Dis Sci. Fasano A, Catassi C. Current approaches Gluten challenge in borderline gluten- large variety of changes in the intestinal sensitive enteropathy. Am J Gastroen- to diagnosis and treatment of celiac dis- mucosa 16, According to a survey terol.
Gastroenter- in the pediatric population in the area ology. Dig Dis North India. J Trop Pediatr. Our patients- S. Klin Lab Diagn. Co- of cases according to the BMI value. Numerous studies have shown a survival. Coll Antropol. Celiac sprue. N Engl of symptoms and signs of celiac disease, J Med. Objective of the study: Determine the efect of parity and the area of Tuzla Canton in the period menarche as risk factors in the time of menopause occurrence.
Patients and methods: his from January to December Each patient has undergone an interview based he basic criterion for inclusion in on the questionnaire, following the verbal consent of the patient who was previously explained the study was that the woman is in the nature of the research.
Statistical analysis of data was carried out by the usual statistical methods natural menopause, i. Results : he average age of menopause occurrence in women who struation. In the study group there was terview based on the questionnaire. Key words : parity, menarche, menopause, factors.
Trnovac bb, Tuzla. E-mail: dr. We ob- menstruation and represents a crucial women still do not feel old. Men- ning of menopause is subject to individ- health: age of menarche, the average age opause as complex process encompasses: ual luctuations and it cannot be encom- of menopause, number of deliveries, the endocrine, genitourinary, cardiovascu- passed exactly.
Recent researches em- number of abortions. It increases earlier and it is amined groups 4. Increased level of FSH 2. AIM at the time of menopause occurrence results in faster follicle maturing, so the Objective of this study was to deter- in relation to the individual chosen pa- menstruation cycles are shorter. When mine inluence of parity and menarche rameters were used. For comparison there are no follicles able to respond to as risk factors to time of menopause oc- of means of age of occurrence of men- stimulus of gonadotropin, production of currence.
With Cox 1, 2, 3. By extension of the age, meno- in the natural menopause who came regression for certain factors we eval- Med Arh. For processing Parity as factor which inluences of data we used statisti- years of age of menopause was taken cal programme PASW 18 into account in many researches. Development Core Team, Velez with associates 6 researching Shows age of patients at the time of interview came to conclusion that null parity, and cluded patients from multiparty women with 5 and more de- Tuzla Canton who were livered children earlier enter the men- in the natural menopause opause.
Shows 46 number of deliveries in patients. Women who did not higher Shows hazard curve for menopause occurrence in relation I n f luenc e of me - years of pubescence when woman does to delivery. Are the efects inf luences the age of 70 of risik factors for timing of menopause Starost kod pojava menopauze godine menopause occurrence is modiied by age? Result from British co- 60 published in the studies chort study. Stud- 50 Factors associated age and natural meno- 0 with age at natural menopause in multi- pause.
Am J there is group of genes Starost kod menarhe godine Epidemiol. Shows connection between age at menarche occurrence 8. Predictors of the ture or delayed puberty and age at menopause occurrence timing of natural menopause in the Mul- which is connected with tiethnic Cohort Study. Am J Epidemiol. Kaczmarek M. The timing of natural menopause in Poland and associated fac- ture aging of ovary is connected with at the same time respecting and ac- tors. As knowledging data given by the patients.
Am J Epidemiol Re- tion menarche at the age of 11, earlier he average age of menopause oc- view. Secular trend in the menopausal age menarche at 12 year of age and later was somewhat higher In the comparative study carried comparison to women who did not de- with socioeconomic, reproductive and out by Bernis and associates in the re- liver Kriplani A, Banerjee K. An overview of dicated connection between menarche connection between age of menarche age of onset menopause in northern In- and years of age at menopause Klimakterij, menopausa i menarche and age at natural menopause.
Zagreb, Naklada Ljevak, Corerelates tween menarche and years of age at the In our research the results 2. Ciglar S. Menopause and hormone re- rocco. Ann Hum Biol. W hich way to Bernis C, Reher DS. Enteroviral contexts between menarche and years of age at proced? Am J Gynaecol Perinatol. Zdravo starenje. In extreme cases the disease can lead to kidney and liver failure, tem: Eclampsia seizures , Cerebral DIC and central nervous system disorders.
Objective: To present the type and number haemorrhage stroke , Cerebral oe- of maternal complications of preeclampsia in women hospitalized in Gynecology and Obstetrics dema, Cortical blindness, Retinal oe- Clinic in Prishtina, Kosovo. Methods: A transversal cross-sectional study with combined method dema, Retinal blindness. Renal system: retro and prospective which included pregnant women in period time September to Renal cortical necrosis, renal tubular May Results: In the group of maternal complications based on our analysis 14 out of necrosis.
Respiratory system: Pulmo- subjects have advanced in eclampsia. Liver damage have been found in 4. Liver: impairment. Detachment of the placenta abruption has encountered in 30 cases and 3 patients Jaundice, HELLP syndrome haemoly- had an epileptic attack. HELLP syndrome is presented only in 4.
Coagulation Conclusions: Preeclampsia is the most common medical complication of pregnancy and is as- system: Disseminated intravascular co- sociated with substantial morbidity and mortality for mother.
Delivery is the key for saving life. Placenta: Placental infarction and Corresponding author: Minire Alilaj. E-mail: drminire yahoo. GOAL 1. Death, related to pre- women hospitalized in Gynecology and gestation. Often it causes only slight eclampsia can occur as a result of cere- Obstetrics Clinic in order to enhance increases in blood pressure. But, if left brovascular seizure, renal failure, liver care for this category and the possibil- untreated, this condition can cause se- failure, HELLP syndrome ore by other ity of taking preventive measures for rious injuries, including fatal complica- hypertensional complications Preeclampsia-eclampsia needs in- According to the author Kee-Hak tensive care antepartum, intrapar- 3.
MeTHODS Lim, from Harvard Medical School, tum as well as postpartum for success- he study is transversal cross-sec- preeclampsia is classiied as mild and ful pregnancy outcome.
Preeclampsia tional with combined study methods severe. Study is done presented as severe. In extreme cases ment if appropriate timing of delivery in Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics the disease can lead to kidney and liver is delayed 4. Of Pregnancy twins 15 3. It consisted of the com- that Start time of receipt mild preeclampsia. Liver damage yes 14 3. Detachment of Liver damage no All statistical analysis of data has encountered in 30 Renal impairment no At the age in 12 cases and only one DIC no Nulltipar- with encephalopathy.
Encephalopathy no Maternal complication — type and frequency years. No prior history for pre- Preeclampsia devel- eclampsia was found in Risk fac- cases and 0. One pregnancy has had tors according to many researchers are: leptic attack. HELLP syndrome as a had only Based on the analysis we have done the subjects, DIC was found in 2. With just one symptom, ar- Lana K. Maternal mortality In the paper of Rathore B et al. Baha M. Lelia Duley, Shireen Meher, Edgardo Ab- Proteinuria and hypertension are nancy, which is consistent with data alos; Management of preeclampsia, BMJ the dominant clinical manifestations in published by several authors 2, Volume , 25 February , 7.
Rathore R et al. Preeclamp- material death in preeclampsia is pul- lampsia Presenting to Medical Wards of sia can cause kidney failure, liver dam- monary edema.
Impact of pre- eclampsia and gestational hypertension author has found that in these cases medical complication of pregnancy and on birth weight by gestational age. De- Women prophylaxis in preeclampsia: Lessons learned from recent trials. Wagner, at high risk should be referred to the Gynecol. Most stud- Age over 30 years is more vulnerable J Med ;8 august 21, , ies show that preeclampsia related to to develop preeclampsia and its com- Peter von Dadelszen et al; Prediction age appears in the form of a curve with plications.
Design: Open, observational, ment intensiication. Despite new ther- multicentric, noncomparative, prospective product registry. Total of subjects were documented in the study. Fasting plasma glucose values decreased from Insulin tre- Conclusion: Results from the study suggest that basal-bolus regimen consisting of insulin glargine signiicantly improves glycaemic control without increasing hypoglycaemia risk in atment is introduced when non-phar- DMT2 population with inadequate glycaemic control on previous premixed therapy.
Keywords: macological measures and treatment Type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin glargine, HbA1c, premixed insulins. Clinic for Endocrinology, Clinical cient for maintaining adequate glycae- Center of University of Sarajevo, Bolnicka 25, Sarajevo.
E-mail: mic control. Multiple types of insulin ascicbuturovic hotmail. Howe- particularly in developing countries, in compulsory health insurance scheme. Al- mixed insulin 4. Although premix analogs, in he principal providers of diabetes ten in the domain of secondary and ter- comparison to regular premix insu- care in Bosnia include people with dia- tiary care.
Prior ration, mainly due to unavailability for intensiied insulin treatment 5. Study was approved V. For continuous variables, the observational study was carried on to Drug Agency. For categorical sulin glargine in T2 patients with hy- the purpose of this study and investiga- variables, the frequency, percentages pothesis that such treatment would im- tors were instructed how to complete it.
Simens Dimension device. A total of 18 patients did short-acting insulin administered to pa- titration algorithms were suggested in not complete the 9 month follow-up pe- tients with DMT2 who did not achieve the protocol but not mandatory to use. Severe hypoglycemia, lipidaemia combined representing as single-arm cohort study was a 9-month also considered a serious adverse event, well the most common comorbidities.
Table 1. Mean HbA1c during the study period. Figure 2. When 10,0 9. Similar results U. This dose was increased steadily 2,0 8. About 6. Mean fasting blood glucose concentration during the study Moreover, dose analysis revealed period. IU 60,0 8 dose at all study visits in the manner 50,0 How- 40,0 33,0 However, studies comparing regi- Figure 3.
Average insulin glargine dose during the study period. In contrast, Janka et al demonstrated Difference between actual and recommended insulin a single injection of insulin glargine is a glargine dose. Similar During the study, 3 serious adverse Diabetes patients were monitored results were observed for rapid insulin.
Among all patients in in the biphasic group To- weight gain occurred in patients add- subgroup in each examined visits af- tal number of reported symptomatic ing basal insulin.
At the end of the hypoglycaemic episodes was 1. Our results 23,6 23,8 Both, HbA1c 7,00 6,00 important factor for reaching the de- and FPG were significantly reduced 5,00 sired clinical outcome with an intensi- 4,00 over a 9 month treatment period.
In 3,00 ied basal-bolus insulin regimen is an addition, this study also conirmed the appropriate dose adjustment of basal 2,00 1,00 good tolerability of an intensiied in- 0,00 Visit 6 Visit 7 Visit 8 insulin. Such a dose adjustment should sulin treatment with glargine. Despite Figure 6. On the contrary, our data showed that lower rates of hypoglycemia vs. Inernational Diabetes Federation, 5th edition Atlas, American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical be explained by the low hypoglycemia Investigators concluded that an intensi- care for patients with diabetes mellitus Position State- ment.
Diabetes Care. Multifaceted determinants for achieving glycemic control: the International Diabetes tion of rapid insulin dose in total daily rior glycaemic control vs. Lispro Mix25 insulin his study also showed that in ev- insulin-treated T2D, with no increase as premeal therapy in type 2 diabetic patients. Garber AJ. Premixed insulin analogues for the treatment tiation and adjustment of basal insulin In our study, patients who did not of diabetes mellitus.
In addition, adherence to the 7. Korythowski M. Patients who failed 9. Tradeofs between glu- tance of intensiication and addition of to comply with the prescribed therapy cose control and hypoglycemia in diferent patient types: results of a 5-country physician survey Abstract.
Dia- glargine. Treat-to-target with add- As this study was conducted according Compliance with recommended in- on basal insulin: can glargine reduce barrier to target at- to daily clinical practice, HbA1c levels sulin glargine therapy was not associa- Comparison between a basal- bolus and a premixed insulin regimen in individuals with and therefore not standardized. Insulin glargine was well to- type 2 diabetes—results of the GINGER study Diabetes, study did not provide standardized di- lerated, keeping blood glucose levels at Obesity and Metabolism.
E, Nauck M, et al. Qamirani3, F. Blakaj2, T. Bicaj2, V. Zejnullahu1, A. Hamza1, 2, F. During last 2 years period we have had in this study.
CD-CHD junction was identiied as right junction female population. During last 2 years right junction in For the study we grouped re- Corresponding author: Ass. CD has vari- at any level to form CBD. CD-CHD junction distribution in all patients. CD-CHD junction distribution in male patients. Netter FH. Atlas of Human Anatomy. Chemberlain RS. Blumgart LH. Hepatobiliary Surgery. Schwartz SI. Shires, Spenser. Principles of Sur- tion in Fifth edition.
Abdominal Operations. Zuidema D. Yeo Ch. Surgery of the Alimentary tion in female was in Figure 3. CD-CHD junction distribution in female patients. Couinaud C. Le foic etudes anatomiques et Dracini X. Univerity of Tirana. Methods: One hundred and ive patients with peptic clarithromycin 2.
Patients were randomized to receive either 7-day or day therapy with omeprazole 20 mg ity against H. A recent in vi- b. Eradication was assessed tro study also showed a synergistic ef- by negative histological analyses, negative H. Conclusions: he levoloxacin-based regimen can be one efective pletely absorbed after oral administra- therapy for the irst-line anti-H.
It has a half-life of h with a pre- Key words: Helicobacter pylori, levoloxacin, irst-line therapy dominant renal excretion and may be Corresponding author: Skender Telaku, MD. E-mail: skendert hotmail. Recently, some studies have evalu- 1. It is a common and poten- observed, especially in some Mediter- However, the most peptic ulcer disease and is also associ- recent data show that this combination 2.
In fact the per- cepted minimum success rate of treat- centage of eradication of H. Demographic characteristics and eradication rate of our patients Exclusion criteria included: inges- with respect to sex and age distri-bu- therapies did not achieve acceptable tion of antibiotics, H2 receptor antag- tion.
All of pa- his study was followed by a large medications used; patients with previ- tients completed the study.
Again, a high eradication separated into two groups to receive Eradicating H. Treatment protocol related gastrointestinal diseases. Le- higher than the standard regimens with was omeprazole 20 mg b. Compliance was questioned and standard triple, quadruple, or sequen- achieve similar therapy containing le- the patients were actively inter-viewed tial regimens.
Peptic ulcer and non- in irst-line therapy has also been sur- with a standard triple therapy with ulcer dyspepsia were diagnosed pathol- veyed. Levoloxacin was pre- Data was evaluated by the Statis- he irst study on a levoloxacin- scribed in a higher dosage of 2x mg.
P values less than sults. ReSULTS pies together with rabeprazole and ei- lin with standard triple therapy con- One hundred and ive patients were ther amoxicillin or tinidazole. Unfortunately, no spec- he most frequent complaint was nau- Two years later, the same group pub- iications about the local resistance sit- sea reported by 3 patients.
Two patients lished a study comparing a triple ther- uation were applied No severe side ef- apy consisting of levo-loxacin, amoxi- In and Gisbert and col- fects were reported.
Ac- and 75 patients, respectively, evaluating omeprazole 20 mg b. Eradication rates in both studies in Kosovo. Both com- resents an alternative to clarithromy- cillin, and high-dose esomeprazole in pa- binations were tolerated well.
Based on cin-based therapy, as it meets the cri- tients with known antimicrobial sensitiv- ity. In a recently published study, the ST made substantial contribution in SMK participated in de- ication of Helicobacter pylori. Eur J Gas- troenterol Hepatol. BK has First-line triple ther- or clarithromycin. GQ participated in the apy with levoloxacin for Helicobacter py- lori eradication.
SP has been involved Le- containing triple therapy as well as to in drafting and conception of the man- voloxacin-based triple therapy in irst-line treatment for Helicobacter pylori eradi- both sequential regimens, most likely uscript. Samy Vellu announced water cuts lasting up to 33 hours in four major. But this need not be the case. Wire Manager kit is a simple and effective way to hide all those wires. So you can edit professionally using cuts, f h conjunction Singapwt. I 10, sq. I changed questions to comply with statute: C J THE Public Prosecutor acts in the public interest when he prosecutes an individual or files an appeal, the Chief Justice said yesterday.
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